⚠️ Welcome to Madmagz! To create a new magazine, head to the new version of the software. If you created magazines on the previous version, you can access them here. For more information, check our FAQ.X
Jobs: Madmagz


Our ambition

We are a French company based in Paris, born from software. Our tool Madmagz opened us multiple doors, from internal communication in companies to the world of education. And who says diversity of customers, says diversity of talents!

Apply now

The Madmagz’s team is bound by P.A.C.T.E.

  • Passionate

    Whether it be code, web design, e-marketing or accounting, even before considering doing it as a job, you were already doing it for passion! Your work is more than just a job, you are fascinated by the web and new technology.

  • Ambitious

    You aspire to be the best in your field by drawing inspiration from the best and pushing your own limits with always greater challenges.

  • Cosmopolitan

    Our team is multicultural. The DNA of our corporate culture is made up of our different origins, experiences, stories, travels ... which is our strength and our pride.

  • Team player

    “All for one and one for all!” Documents, calendars, tasks…: all tools are collaborative, all documents are shared. Our team meets every Friday to share projects and ideas.

  • Entrepreneurial

    Whatever your field, the path is wide open, there is great room for growth, all remains to be done! No endless meetings: you are totally independent and, if needed, a quick yes or no suffices!


4 Reasons to Join Us

Our missions

Allow schools to access digital through an essential educational tool, help businesses adopt the codes of the web, and even offer any individual to create his own magazine!

The team

With an average age of 27, the team is young, dynamic, and above all passionate. Today, there are twenty of us, from different backgrounds and universes: it is through contact with others that we progress.

Your role

There is no useless jobs here! You will have the freedom to test (all) your ideas, to fool you (quickly) and to start again (as much as you want). Madmagz is a meritocracy based on the value of your contribution.

The environment

We kept our startup spirit, we are focused but the atmosphere is relaxed. And the jokes between colleagues are as frequent as aperitifs unexpectedly... except when you are telecommuting!

Marketer? Developer? Designer? Business Developer? Please send your resume at: [email protected].