⚠️ Welcome to Madmagz! To create a new magazine, head to the new version of the software. If you created magazines on the previous version, you can access them here. For more information, check our FAQ.X
Pricing: Madmagz


To create your magazine, you have to choose a template (set of already designated pages where you insert your texts, photos ...) and at least one publication format among the six proposed. To create your magazine for free, choose the free template and the simple publication is systematically proposed at the end of your magazine.

Choose a template to start your magazine

Free Template

Among a selection of paid templates, Madmagz offers you a template:
the "modern" template.
You can use it to create as many magazines as you want.

Paid Templates
€ 10.00

The free template does not suit your needs?
You can pick your choice among dozens of pros templates to create catalogues, newsletters, etc.

6 types of publication

Web magazine

The web magazine is compatible with most tablets and smartphones, can be shared on social networks and embedded on your website.

Premium magazine
€ 24.98

Go Premium for your mag! You will be able to:

  • add links, video or sound
  • customize the online viewer with your logo and a link
  • manage the confidentiality of your mag: prevent search engines from displaying it or removing the sharing options (Facebook, Twitter, email)
Printing and delivery

Quickly receive your Mag, printed in an eco-friendly manner, is of a quality similar to the magazines you’ll find in a news-agent. We will deliver it to your door anywhere in the world.
NB: To orders more than 300 prints, please contact us.

€ 10.00

This PDF is perfect for reading on a screen but, if printed, will be of poor quality. The PDF is downloadable immediately after purchase.

High definition pdf
€ 19.99

Your high definition PDF with its pictures in the best quality available can be printed in two ways:

  • Home printing : no bleed and no crop marks
  • Professional printing : with bleeds and crop marks

Your PDF is also available in A4 or A5 format. You will be able to download it on this page immediately after your purchase.

Self-hosted web mag
€ 95.30

You want to host your magazine? We provide you with the files to install on your server immediately after purchase.

I create my magazine